New plugin update brings pagination & frontend filter and search

New integrations, built for you

Keeping track of a large number of coupons – or making it possible – is not always easy. We know that. We know that too, from your feedback. That's why we’ve released new features to boost your Coupon management in the frontend. Available for Affiliate Coupons (Pro)

Let's get started…

Comfortable pagination

Have you been waiting for this? Here you go!

You can now enable a pagination which allows you to display a variety of coupons spread over multiple pages. A large number of coupons can be presented so much more clearly, in which they are smoothly reloaded after clicking on the button for the next page.
Not rocket science – but definitely worth it!

New Feature! The Affiliate Coupons Pagination

Advantages of pagination

  • Best Practice: Pagination is a pattern, a function that the user has internalized. He therefore does not have to familiarize himself with any new function and can start intuitively right away.
  • Findability: Individual hits are easier to locate in the list.
  • Individual control: The user has more control over the display of results, as he or she decides whether or not to call up another page with results.
  • Higher conversion: The division of results ensures that the user looks more closely at the results per page. Experience shows that a closer look is more likely to lead to a click than a cursory glance.

How to set up?

Find out more in the official documentation.

Powerful & comprehensive search & filter function

That's powerful! Clever filtering and searching allows you to view coupons individually and quickly.

That's how your customers find the right coupons: A prominent search can be used to search for individual keywords – or you can filter the list of coupons by types, sellers and much more.

Customizing the sorting, makes the Clarity even better. Order by name, vendor, title, date ….. and whatever you want.

Phew, what a relief!

New Feature: The Affiliate Coupons Search and Filters!

Advantages of search & filter function

  • Targeted Search: A comprehensive list can be quickly and conveniently limited by a keyword
  • Search is the most familiar pattern of users: Most users search for their information via a search engine (like google). This behavior is familiar. And it is exactly this familiarity that we want to support.
  • An individual result view: Through the filters, each user is able to build his view as he would like it. The content is thus always adapted to the needs of the user.
  • Fast and uncomplicated: The greatest strength, however, lies in the ability to find targeted results in a short time.

How to set up?

Find out more in the official documentation.

You want to use the new features?

These great features are only available in the Pro version of the plugin. Make sure to grab it!

Get Affiliate Coupons PRO now

You already own the Pro version?
Then make sure you have an active license, and you will get the new features via an update for free!


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